Error messages

How to write error messages in your digital experiences.

What is an error message?

An error message alerts users after a problem has occurred. The message needs to tell users what's happened and what they need to do to continue their journey.

As there are many different types of error messages, we've categorised errors in two ways.

User errors

These are mistakes or problems generated by the user, such as an incorrect password or a lack of internet connection.

System errors

These are problems generated by the system, such as a service outage or a declined order.

Writing user errors

Explain what happened

Tell the user what’s gone wrong and why it went wrong. This can help the user avoid getting the same error in the future

Passwords must have at least 8 characters. Please try again.
Invalid password. Please try again.

If a user leaves a required field blank, explain why we need that information.

Add an email so we can get in touch if we need to
Email address is required

Give a next step

After you explain the issue to the user, give clear steps to resolve the problem.


You need to update the app to continue. Download the latest version to keep ordering.


Error! This app is out of date.

Use a descriptive header

If your error message has a header, make the header copy as descriptive as possible.

Couldn't connectCheck the internet connection and try again.
Something went wrongNetwork error 500. The operation couldn’t be completed.

Don't use negative language

Don’t use negative language in your message. This can make the user feel guilty for the error.

That password doesn’t look right. Please try again.
Submission failed! Your password is invalid.

Even if the error is caused by the user making a mistake, don’t address the user as ‘you’ in the message. This can blame the user for the error.

Phone numbers should contain only numbers
You added some invalid characters

While it’s important to avoid negative language, be careful to avoid using exclamation marks or playful language.

Please enter your card number
Uh oh! Looks like you’ve forgotten your card number!

Don't use jargon

Avoid using error numbers or technical language in your message. Try to use simple words wherever possible.

We can’t find that postcode. Try again?
Bad request 500. Postcode supplied is invalid.

Writing system errors

Apologise to the user

If the system error has inconvenienced the user in any way, start your message by saying ‘sorry’.

Sorry, we have limited delivery slots right now. Please keep checking back.
We have limited delivery slots right now.

Explain what happened

Tell the user what’s gone wrong and why it went wrong. This can help the user avoid getting the same error in the future.

Passwords must have at least 8 characters. Please try again.
Invalid password. Please try again.

If there’s no solution to the problem right now, tell the user what we’re doing to fix it.

Sorry, we’re experiencing some difficulties with our service right now. We’re trying to fix the problem as soon as possible.
We’re experiencing some difficulties with our service right now.

Don’t ask users to trust that we’re fixing the problem.

Sorry, we can’t accept gift cards right now. Please check back soon.
Sorry, we can’t accept gift cards right now. But don’t worry, it’s only temporary.

Give a next step

After you explain the issue to the user, give clear steps to resolve the problem.


You need to update the app to continue. Download the latest version to keep ordering.


Error! This app is out of date.

Use a descriptive header

If your error message has a header, make the header copy as descriptive as possible.

Couldn't connectCheck the internet connection and try again.
Something went wrongNetwork error 500. The operation couldn’t be completed.

Don't use negative language

Don’t use negative language in your message. This can make the user feel guilty for the error.

That password doesn’t look right. Please try again.
Submission failed! Your password is invalid.

While it’s important to avoid negative language, be careful to avoid using exclamation marks or playful language.

Please enter your card number
Uh oh! Looks like you’ve forgotten your card number!

Don't use jargon

Avoid using error numbers or technical language in your message. Try to use simple words wherever possible.

We can’t find that postcode. Try again?
Bad request 500. Postcode supplied is invalid.

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